Kingsbury Bible College was founded on the principles that education should be accessible to everyone, convenient for everyone and affordable for everyone. We strive to meet these goals everyday.

Explore our website and discover your next step to further your education.

Our Story

Kingsbury Bible College began as a dream. A dream to bring education to where people are.

Education shouldn’t require someone to move their family across the country. It should be accessible to where they live, work, and play. It shouldn’t break their wallet or cause a hardship on the family.

So, the dream of a biblical training program became a reality.

Today, Kingsbury serves students through our online portal.

Come experience the difference of Kingsbury Bible College where education is affordable, convenient, and accessible anywhere your feet may travel.

Free Course Offer

Interested in seeing what taking classes will be like at Kingsbury Bible College? Register for free and start this course today! After you have completed the course, register for college credits and have one course done!

“For over three decades, Andrew Wommack has traveled America and the world teaching the truth of the Gospel. His profound revelation of the Word of God is taught with clarity and simplicity, emphasizing God’s unconditional love and the balance between grace and faith. He reaches millions of people through the daily Gospel Truth radio and television programs, broadcast both domestically and internationally.”